What happens in a session?
After discussing your health history you will usually lie on a massage table or bed, wearing underwear or loose clothing.
Sequences of moves are performed along the body using the thumb and fingers in a rolling motion particular to the Bowen Technique. These moves send vibrational messages via neurological pathways to begin the corrective process.
The pressure used is almost always less than you would expect. On occasion, you might feel a momentary twinge. Be sure to say if you feel uncomfortable at any time. Between sequences of moves you are left alone to integrate the move. A Bowen treatment is a relaxing experience and you may fall asleep.
The treatment continues to process for up to 10 days, during which time you may notice wide ranging changes, from improved sleeping to complete pain relief. Many people experience a heightened sense of general well-being.
The hands on work usually takes from 15 to 45 minutes, with extra time added for assimilation.